News & Events
From Josh Foulis, Acting Principal
EREA Charter Forum: Renewing the EREA Charter and EREA Touchstones
Alongside Senior Leaders from across Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA), Mr Frank Ranaldo (Acting Deputy Principal, St Paul’s College) and myself had the pleasure to attend the EREA National Charter Forum in Wollongong last week.
The EREA Charter, available HERE, guides all schools in the quest towards greater authenticity as Catholic schools in the Edmund Rice tradition, challenging each community to be faithful to the four touchstones of EREA: Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community, Justice and Solidarity.
The Forum offered Senior Leaders (from EREA Colleges and EREA Flexible Learning Centres) the opportunity to meaningfully contribute to the renewal of the EREA Charter.
Informed by feedback already gained from many students, staff and leaders across the country, the purpose of this Charter Forum was to consolidate feedback and refine the Charter, which drives the mission of our College.
Practically, you will see the touchstone symbols throughout our college, they drive appraisals and reviews for senior leaders at our college, inform our Strategic Plan, focus formation for our School Advisory Council, and provide the basis of EREA’s School Renewal Process every 5 years. While these are only some examples of how our Charter and Touchstones come to life at St Paul’s, they demonstrate the significance of the Charter and therefore the current Charter renewal, in the life of our community.
Contemporary and refreshed Touchstones and EREA Charter were key hopes from the Forum in Wollongong and our community will remain connected to any developments relating to the mission of EREA that so proudly informs the mission of St Paul’s College as a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition.