Year 7 Transition
Our Year 7 transition process allows new Year 7 students to become familiar with the College, make new friends and meet staff, and ultimately have a successful start at St Paul’s.
Information for families
Early in term 4 families will be forwarded information in regard to the uniform shop and making an appointment for a fitting, laptop requirements (BYOD), fee payments and other important information for the following school year. Please note stationery packs are included in fees and are distributed in class.
Transition Information Night and BBQ – November
All new students together with their parents are asked to attend the Transition Information Evening in the New Street Gymnasium, where you will be provided with important information about transition, commencing at St Paul’s and the College generally. Students can speak with House Leaders. A BBQ is held providing the opportunity for families to mingle and make connections.
Transition Day – November
Experience at day at St Paul’s College on Transition Day. Students will participate in a range of fun activities introducing them to the teaching and learning areas, meet their fellow classmates, future teachers and familiarise themselves with the College facilities and grounds.
Year 7 Orientation Day - First day of the school year
This is the first day at St Paul’s College in uniform. Year 7s are the only Middle Years students at school on this day, enabling them to get comfortable with the College and settle in before formal lessons commence the following day.