Special Programs

Excellence in Music
Through the Music Program, Primary School students learn from a specialist music teacher, to develop their skills and experience a variety of instruments, such as drumming on buckets, playing the recorder and strumming ukuleles. Our Year 5 and 6 students participate in a Wind Immersion program and learn trumpet, trombone or clarinet. They can also be involved in choir, which performs at the Catholic Schools Music Festival each year. There are also junior rock bands and ensembles which rehearse and perform at school events. Students are also able to take private music lessons with credentialed tutors for piano, drums, guitar and singing.

Children's University
Children's University Adelaide offers co-curricular educational experiences for children. Children participate in learning activities around Adelaide at destinations such as museums, galleries, sports clubs and libraries. Upon completion, their achievements are recognised through a formal graduation ceremony at Bonython Hall at the University of Adelaide.