
The St Paul's College School Advisory Council works collaboratively with the Principal and with the Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) National and Regional Executive to provide quality stewardship aimed at offering the best possible learning environment for students.

The Board and Principal operate under the auspice of the Christian Brothers' Province Leader and act in accordance with the Design for EREA School Boards, which guides and supports school boards to realise Edmund's dream of a liberating education. The Chair of the St Paul's College Board is appointed by the EREA Executive Director on advice from the Principal and Director Regional Support/Director National Flexible Learning Services and after consultation with the local community.

EREA recognises the service, wisdom and expertise provided by school boards and is committed to continuing to provide support and to enhance the important role they undertake in the governance of EREA Schools. Members of the St Paul's College community are invited to participate in decision making processes through membership of the College Board.

School Performance Report 2023

Strategic Plan

The 2022-2025 Strategic Plan that has been developed in accordance with the strategic planning model developed for Edmund Rice Australia schools and the Continuous Improvement Framework for Catholic schools developed by Catholic Education South Australia.

Download Strategic Plan 2022-2025