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Launching Indigenous Round Uniforms


St Paul’s College is proud to launch our inaugural Indigenous round cocurricular uniforms. These unique guernseys, designed by our First Nations students, will be proudly worn over the next two rounds in AFL, Soccer, Basketball, and Netball.

Our First Nations students have been dedicated to developing these designs throughout the past semester. Students from both Primary and Secondary schools gathered to explore examples of guernseys and Aboriginal Art symbols, which were sourced by Brandon Jackson-Martin, our First Nations Education Support Officer. They carefully selected symbols that resonated with their personal experiences and the spirit of the College, incorporating these elements into their designs.

The resulting artwork tells the story:

“Our community sits under the stars that shine over Kaurna land. As a tight-knit community, we bond together at the meeting place. Each of us is unique, bringing our own shining light, having come a long way to be here. The river represents Dry Creek, with each student represented by their own unique symbol, showcasing their belonging and connection to the St Paul’s community.”

This incredible design, which truly reflects the voices of our students, would not have been possible without the contributions of Nick Gillard, Brandon Jackson-Martin, Claudia Lamberto, Alexandra Harrison, Stephanie Singh, the St Paul’s RAP committee, and, of course, our talented students.

“This initiative displays our commitment to promoting reconciliation at St Paul’s College, fostering a deeper understanding and respect for First Nations cultures among our entire school community,” said Campbell Burton, First Nations Key Teacher. “I look forward to seeing the guernseys being worn with pride during future co-curricular rounds.”